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Re: b&w warbler, weird-singing towhee


This is true, I had a first hand experience of this just last monday. At
work there was a  Towhee in the top of a tree singing like a Robin. I came
outside about 10 mins later an it was back to the Towhee call. It stuck me
strange at the time, but not anymore.

Randy Emmitt

Kent Fiala wrote:

> There are many reported instances of birds singing "wrong" songs.  A
> recent note (1998) in The Wilson Bulletin by Jon Greenlaw et al
> documents Eastern Towhees mimicking alarm calls of Blue Jays, Brown
> Thrashers and American Robins.  I've personally heard a Towhee do a Blue
> Jay call (I'm pretty sure this was one of the same birds that Greenlaw
> et al report on) and have heard a couple of different Towhees do Robin
> alarm calls.  How often do we actually check out Blue Jay and Robin
> calls to verify who's making them?
> They also cite a 1977 paper (also Wilson Bulletin) by Don Borror titled
> "Rufous-sided Towhee mimicking Carolina Wren and Field Sparrow" but I'd
> have to dig though some boxes to get that one out ;-).
> Kent Fiala
> Raleigh NC