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Re: b&w warbler, weird-singing towhee

Actually, I think we have a tee-totaling towhee who doesn't drink before

In the early morning you hear.... YOUR TEEEEEEEE.....

And in the afternoon he sings.... DRINK YOUR TEEEEEEEEE

I've been listening to him all spring.....

Marie La Salle
Marietta GA
----- Original Message -----
From: Kent Fiala <fiala@ipass.net>
To: carolina birds list serve <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: b&w warbler, weird-singing towhee

> There are many reported instances of birds singing "wrong" songs.  A
> recent note (1998) in The Wilson Bulletin by Jon Greenlaw et al
> documents Eastern Towhees mimicking alarm calls of Blue Jays, Brown
> Thrashers and American Robins.  I've personally heard a Towhee do a Blue
> Jay call (I'm pretty sure this was one of the same birds that Greenlaw
> et al report on) and have heard a couple of different Towhees do Robin
> alarm calls.  How often do we actually check out Blue Jay and Robin
> calls to verify who's making them?
> They also cite a 1977 paper (also Wilson Bulletin) by Don Borror titled
> "Rufous-sided Towhee mimicking Carolina Wren and Field Sparrow" but I'd
> have to dig though some boxes to get that one out ;-).
> Kent Fiala
> Raleigh NC