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Re: La. Waterthrush song

Thanks to all of you who helped with the LA.
waterthrush song! Today as I came in from work at
7:30,(I love daylight savings time!) i heard the LA.
waterthrush singing away down by the creek. So
beautiful and clear, I double checked the Peterson CD,
and yep, I was right.It sang almost alone, with an
occasional cardinal as the sun went down.
I guess the hooded should be next? Kate

--- John Daughtry <daughtry@nowait.net> wrote:
> 	You can distinguish L. Waterthrush from
> Yellow-throated warbler or N.
> Waterthrush by the way it sounds confused at the
> end, as if it forgot
> the end of the song.

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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