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Spring in the Sandhills


It has been a very interesting day here in Whispering Pines!  I awoke to
Blue Gray Gnatcatchers and Black-and-white Warblers in the oak trees and
marvelled at all the spring song in the air.  But before I knew it, I was
adding another yard bird to the list: Blue-winged Teal.  Yes, I looked out
and saw three small ducks swimming in with the Mallards who were ready for
a breakfast of corn and millet on the stumps in the yard.  They were not as
brave as the Mallards (or the Wood Duck back in February) and did not
actually feed but they got up on our retaining wall (railroad ties) and
preened for awhile. Two males and a female!   Of course, it was dark and
drizzly once again so I could not manage to capture them on film...

Then this afternoon at about 4 PM as I was mulching the bushes in front, I
turned and was face to face with a male Northern Bobwhite in the driveway.
As I froze and watched him stride toward the side bushes, his mate
appeared, softly chipping and churping as she walked.  They made a bunch of
circuits around the house before dark, pecking at bugs, buds and left over
bird seed here and there.  they are the first quail I have seen in our yard
since December of 1998.

And yes, like many others in NC, Ruby-throated Hummers are back at my
feeders.  A male showed up Friday afternoon (March 31) and I have seen one
or two hummers every day since.  None has new jewelry yet but will very

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
