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Re: Paint-eating Blue Jay


Is the railing painted white?

Blue Jays frequently eat white bits of egg shell; they also seem to 
have an eye for adding white things to their nest--as described in an 
earlier thread on CarolinaBirds. Perhaps this jay THINKS it's found a 
mother lode of calcium.

If the paint is old and flaking, there's a good chance it is 
lead-based, so it can't be healthy for jays or anything that might 
eat flakes or jays. I'd definitely advise getting rid of the flakes 
and re-painting.

Best wishes,



>I watched this morning as a Blue Jay twice landed and ate pieces of 
>flaking paint from the metal railing on my back porch.  We checked 
>the railing for bugs, seeds or pollen but couldn't find anything 
>except the flaking paint and rust spots.
>We were alerted to his arrival by his soft imitation of a Red Winged 
>Hawk.  He sat for about 15 seconds each time, calling and picking up 
>little pieces of paint.  Both feeders held seed and suet is still 
>available. Should I go out later and sand off these paint flakes? 
>Doesn't seem real healthy to me!
>Claudia Egelhoff
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BILL HILTON JR., "The Piedmont Naturalist"
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road
York, South Carolina 29745

e-mail: <hilton@hiltonpond.org>

Voice: (803) 684-5852

eFax: (503) 218-0845

Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is a 501(c)(3) 
non-profit research and education organization, so all in-kind or 
monetary gifts to Operation RubyThroat and the Center are 
tax-deductible. Please visit our websites:

Hilton Pond:  <http://www.hiltonpond.org>

Operation RubyThroat:  <http://www.rubythroat.org>

"Never trust a person too lazy to get up for sunrise or too busy to 
watch the sunset."

