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Watauga Birds

Hello all,

This is a brief update for the Watauga and High Country Scene.  Robin Diaz
hit a double this week with first reports for the county this spring for LA
Waterthrush and Ruby-throated Hummer.  The Hummer returned on the 11th and
is settled in to his feeder.  Also this week we had first reports of Common
Yellowthroat, Black-throated Green Warbler, Coot (Bass Lake), Common Loon
(Bass and Price Lake), Rough-winged Swallow  and Broad-winged Hawk.  Also on
the 11th were some more Ring-billed Gulls high overhead over downtown.  Some
of the other waterfowl lingering include Pied-billed Grebe, Blue-winged
Teal, a couple of Ruddies late last week, and a possible Green Heron on the
9th.  Lingering winter birds include lots of Siskins everywhere, Purple
Finch on the southern end of the county, and Walton Conway's Evening
Grosbeaks (although they did not appear on the 11th).  Still seeing
Savannah, Swamp, Vesper, Field, Chipping, Song, White-throated, and Fox
Sparrows in the area.

Catbirds, House Wrens, and the rest of the spring gang can't be far behind.

Don't forget to come to the mountains for the spring meeting on May 5-7.
Grandfather's Bird Weekend is also that weekend and our spring count is that
Sunday the 7th, so anyone wanting to help out is welcome to hang around and
count.  In the meantime, happy birding!!
Curtis Smalling
Ecos of the Blue Ridge
Watauga County Birding Hotline 828-265-0198