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Trenton,NC arrivals

For general interest the following sightings are
reported--prothonatary warblers arrived 4/7, hooded
warbler 4/8,first wormeating warbler,wood thrush and
GCflycatcher were seen 4/11 and two YC night herons
have been here since 4/11--hermit thrushes sre still
here and parulas have beat YT warblers in arriving on
my farm by at least a week--they seem to be more
numerous than last year---have not seen any
B&W,yellow,Kentucky or Swainson warblers or redweyed
vireos but white eyed and yellow throated have been
here for at least a week--I also found tis past Sun
one destroyed wood duck nest with torn to shreds
aluminum predator guard(bear?) with eggs strewn about
and two broods of wood ducks(ie already hatched)ceballenger

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