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MODO fledgeling

Hi folks;
I am writing with an interesting thing I have seen, a Mourning Dove baby.
Day before yesterday, upon arriving home, I startled a family of Mourning
Doves up from my garden pond. Two of them flew, but a youngster stayed,
(not realizing, I suppose, that humans sometimes eat doves), allowing me
to get within 3 feet or so. It was smaller than mom and pop, with a
square tail, and down feathers still on the head and neck! Calculating
the age of this kid, I would have to suppose it started as an egg
sometime in early March, or even possibly February!
Probably no more than one week from the nest puts it in the nest the
first week of April.
Nestling stage, at least 2 weeks, puts it hatching in the 3rd week of
Incubation (I think) around 18 days, puts it as being laid around the
first week of March. It was *cold* then!
If any of these calculations are too short, then it pushes things back to
Having seen MODO nests, and seeing sky through the bottom of them, I am
amazed they pulled this off.
This is evidence of the amazing reproductive powers of MODO's.
Condidering that they have about 60 to 80% die off every year, I guess
they need it.
Also have seen a Broadwing last week in Brevard, and Red Tail on the way
to Franklin.
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
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