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yellow crowned night-heron backand nesting in Charlotte, and superother birds

Hello All,
    Our house backs up to Randolph Middle School. It has been raining here 
for 3 days straight so when it stopped I had the urge to take a walk around 
the field at the school. Firstly, there was a flock of PINE WARBLERS, 
about 30 CANADA GEESE came in and fed on the waterlogged baseball field. We 
had to go out so when we came back i went back out. I stepped out the 
backdoor and heard a HOUSE WREN. Then along the edge of the field there was a 
flock of FIELD SPARROWS and YELLOW RUMPED WARBLERS. Across the field it got 
intersesting. There is a spot of dandilions and weeds that were partly 
submerged. At first I noticed about 10 GOLDFINCHES, then a couple CHIPPING 
SPARROWS, and then my binoculars came across a different sparrow. I though, 
Savannah Sparrow, but then it flew and low and behold, white outer tail 
feathers. So it was a VESPER SPARROW (new yard bird). Then I heard, chip 
peweeo chick! So I went back over to the other side of the field to 
investigate and identified it as a WHITE EYED VIREO. Meanwhile, the CHIMNEY 
SWIFTS AND BARN SWALLOWS were swarming overhead. And out of the corner of my 
eyes, unbelievably, I see an OSPREY soaring over. Unfortunately, only warbler 
I saw was a YELLOW RUMPED in breeding plumage.But I cant be complaining. 

    While we are on the subject, the YELLOW CROWNED NIGHT HERONS that have 
been nesting in my area in Charlotte for numerous years are back. Over the 
past several nights, they will fly over the track at Randolph Middle at 7:54 
p.m. on the nose. THere is a pond on the corner of Water Oak Rd. and Sharon 
Amity road that is very promising to be where they are nesting.

Good birding to every1,

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC