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trip to Sumter NF, Chester Co., SC

Hi CarolinaBirders,

Today (15 April 2000) a Columbia Audubon Society field trip to the Sumter
National Forest in Chester County got us lots of common birds, despite a
nagging rain which came and went all day long.  The best birds were probably
the Swainson's Warblers.  We heard two singing in different parts of the
floodplain forest at Worthy's Ferry.  This is one of the few places in the
South Carolina Piedmont where this species is regularly found. Hooded
Warblers were especially common -- we must have seen or heard at least 15.
In addition to Worthy's Ferry we also visited Wood's Ferry (where we had a
Yellow-throated Warbler investigating the picnic shelter where we were
having lunch) and the Sandy River boat ramp.  Best of all we only saw two
other people in the National Forest all morning -- two rather wet and
disgusted turkey hunters.

Here is our species day list for the Sumter National Forest in Chester
County, SC:

Double-crested Cormorant -- 2
Green Heron -- 2
Canada Goose -- 4
Red-tailed Hawk -- 1
Wild Turkey -- 4
Mourning Dove -- 10
Barred Owl -- 1
Chimney Swift -- 20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -- 1
Belted Kingfisher -- 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- 3
Downy Woodpecker -- 1
Pileated Woodpecker -- 2
Eastern Phoebe -- 1
White-eyed Vireo -- 4
Yellow-throated Vireo -- 3
Blue-headed Vireo -- 1
Red-eyed Vireo -- 25
Blue Jay -- 6
American Crow -- 10
Fish Crow -- 3
Northern Rough-winged Swallow -- 6
Carolina Chickadee -- 4
Tufted Titmouse -- 10
Carolina Wren -- 5
House Wren -- 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet -- 12
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -- 20
Eastern Bluebird -- 2
Northern Mockingbird -- 1
European Starling -- 5
Northern Parula -- 10
Yellow-rumped Warbler -- 100
Yellow-throated Warbler -- 5
Pine Warbler -- 5
Black-and-white Warbler -- 1
Swainson's Warbler -- 2
Louisiana Waterthrush -- 2
Common Yellowthroat -- 6
Hooded Warbler -- 15
Eastern Towhee -- 5
Chipping Sparrow -- 8
Field Sparrow -- 3
White-throated Sparrow -- 50
Dark-eyed Junco -- 1
Northern Cardinal -- 30
Common Grackle -- 50
Brown-headed Cowbird -- 6
American Goldfinch -- 5

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC