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Beaver and Julian Lakes

Hi folks. My wife and I went to Lake Julian yesterday, and saw some
interesting birds, and I got a lifer: Bonaparte's Gull in breeding
plumage. Also saw an Osprey, a couple of Cormorant, and some Scaup (I
assume Lesser). Did not see any Terns.
At Beaver Lake today, saw a good group aof Am. Wigeon, and a pair of Blue
Winged Teal. Since it is a bird sanctuary, I will report some other
Many dragonflies, only one of which I could identify (Green Darner)
A Juvenal's Duskywing Skipper Butterfly (I think - thay all look alike to
A Garter Snake who objected malodorously to being picked up.
A goodly number of *good* sized Red Eared Sliders, who are not supposed
to exist in this area (probable pet trade escapes), but are doing nicely,
judging by the numbers and sizes.
Heard an American Toad (lovely song).
Saw a baby Bullfrog.
A number of Song Sparrows.
A Carolina Chickadee
PB Grebes
Indigo Bunting
Yellow Warbler
Carolina Wren
A fun day.

Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
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