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Re: Speaking of turkeys...

Paula M. wrote:

>My husband, who isn't a bird watcher but knows I'll be interested, >told me 
>that the other day on Durhams's Duke Univ. West Campus, he >observed what 
>he took to be a *peacock* ambling along the ground....  >Could it possibly 
>have been a *turkey*?  What else could someone >mistake for a peacock in 

Paula, actually there are several people around who DO raise peacocks as 
yard 'pets', including a couple who live off Erwin Rd. not all that far from 
Duke west campus. And as these birds occasionally escape they do get seen in 
odd places from time to time, so your husband might just know whereof he 

**Rob Gluck    thrush@hotmail.com     Chapel Hill
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