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New Yardbird & Surprises


Yesterday while working in the yard, I first heard, then saw a Northern
Parula, and a Prairie Warbler.  The Prairie was number 73 om my yard
count, which includes my four years of counting them in Cary, and since
September at Falls Lake.  I then had a Blue Heron fly over the house,
which was no. 74.  I thought I heard a Black-throated Blue, but I
couldn't confirm.  Last year in May, I had a Blackpoll, Parula, and a
Black-throated Blue, all at once, followed by an Am. Redstart.  (In
downtown Cary!)

Question:  I used to see Prairies on the golfcourse at South Granville
CC, is there a chance that they'll stay at Falls?


Brian P.