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Mixed bag

I'm seeing a mixture of winter and summer birds at the moment.  Yesterday
and today I had white-throated sparrows in the yard.  Yesterday evening a
male yellow-rumped warbler in full breeding plumage hung around the yard
for a couple of hours. This morning I saw my first green heron of the
season and also my first orchard oriole (immature male).  I've been seeing
chimney swifts regularly since April 7 and an occasional barn swallow since
the 8th.  This morning I observed a swallow flying over the Methodist
College golf course.  In the gray light of a cloudy, early morning, I
couldn't get a positive id, but the only small swallow that looks that dark
underneath is a northern rough-winged.   That's the second time this month
that I've gotten a good look at a possible rough-winged (but still no
positive id that I could log).  I saw a pair of kingbirds this morning in
the same area in which a pair nested last year.  I'll keep watching.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu