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blue-winged warbler

As I was sitting on my front steps this morning enjoying the early morning
bird chorus, I heard a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER singing in the brushy shrubby
woods about 50 yards from my house!  This is a new species for me, so
naturally I grabbed my binocs and went looking for it.  And there it was, a
gorgeous male sitting in a scraggly privet bush! (I guess they are good for
something after all.)  I was thrilled.  Also seen/heard in the space of
about a hour:

Lousiana waterthrush
hooded warbler
yellow-throated warbler
black-throated green warbler
Northern parula
great crested flycatcher
American goldfinch
field sparrow
American crow
blue jay
blue-gray gnatcatcher
American robin
Carolina chickadee
tufted titmouse
Northern cardinal
brown-headed cowbird
pileated woodpecker
Northern flicker
barred owl
red-shouldered hawk

I love it when the warblers come back!

Sue Brady
Pittsboro, NC