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Birds at Cowans Ford & Mcguire Nuc. Sta.

A visit to Cowans Ford WR this morning yielded the following sightings and
hearings, in addition to the more usual suspect and innumerable varieties of
wildflowers, dragonflies, and butterflies:

             Black Vulture
             Red-shouldered Hawk
             Red-tailed Hawk
             Eastern Phoebe
             Eastern Kingbird
             Red-eyed Vireo
             Tree Swallow
             Northern Rough-winged Swallow
             Bank Swallow
             Eastern Bluebird
             Nashville Warbler
             Pine Warbler
             Palm Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Eastern Towhee
             Chipping Sparrow
             Savannah Sparrow
             Eastern Meadowlark
             Brown-headed Cowbird male/female pair
             American Goldfinch

Earlier in the morning the west thermal pond of McGuire Nuclear station off
hwy 73 yielded the following:

             Double-crested Cormorant, incl. 1 immature
             Great Blue Heron
             Cooper's Hawk
             Spotted Sandpiper
             Belted Kingfisher
             Red-bellied Woodpecker
             Tree Swallow
             Northern Rough-winged Swallow
             Barn Swallow
             Pine Warbler
             Red-winged Blackbird
             Orchard Oriole male/female pair

Both locations were all but devoid of duck-types (except for Mallard
families and Honkers)

Tom "two legs at a time" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
pursuit of learning wherein
pupil is teacher
	~ after Arthur Koestler
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