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Croatan NF birding Earth Day!


Went out this morning to find a rare Frosted Elfin butterfly, since it
was cloudy and chilly I birded all day in Croatan NF in Jones County. It
was certainly one of the busiest bird days I`ve ever had in NC as birds
sang from 10 am til I left at 4:30 pm. I had a Swainson`s Warbler my
first in NC too! Altogether I had 15 warbler species with great looks at
most all of them.

Here`s what I had in warblers

N. Parula
Black-throated Green
Prononotary  (most I`ve ever seen on foot, canoe is another story)
Black & White
Hooded (heard only)
Common Yellowthroat
N. Waterthrush  (heard only)
L. Waterthrush  (heard only)

Also Summer Tanagers, GC Flycatchers, Red-Eyed Vireos and White-eyed
Vireos were everywhere. And had a few Wood Thrush, Arcadian Flycatcher,
Hairy Woodpecker and a Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

I might have found a new species of butterfly for NC as I photographed
what appeared to be a Viola`s Wood Satyr and it`s not on Harry`s list.
Check my website monday or tuesday night to see if it`s official or not.

Hope you had as good of Earth Day as I did!

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC