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Hairy Woodpecker babies

An afternoon birding at Duke Park off Club Blvd. revealed a nice surprise.  
Walking past the ballfield we heard high pitched noises in the trees along 
the walk (next to the field with the radio towers).  We saw what we first 
thought was a Female Downy in the area, but a look through the glasses 
revealed a female Hairy (nice, long beak!).  We could hear the babies as she 
went back and forth between them and nearby trees. We did not see the nesting 
hole as we did not want to get too close, but the babies were chattering 
away!  With me was Jonathan Steere, Ben Steere and Kevin Shinn all of who 
also identified the bird.  Was not expecting a Hairy in an urban, although be 
it woody, area!  Also seen were Great Crested Flycatchers (at least three), 
Red-Tailed Hawks (two) and many Yellow-Rumps and Goldfinches.  This greenway 
area that eventually goes the the Museum of Life and Sciences can be great 
for migrating warblers.  Later in the spring, it is probably the best place 
in Durham for Blackpolls, particularly in the park itself.

John Frederick
Durham, NC