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Hi folks. The fledgeling MODO is still here, minus mom and dad. They must
be at work on another brood. My wife, Suzanne, has adopted the little
bugger, putting out seed for him, and talking to him. He hangs out around
our pond garden and flower garden. I keep teasing her that she should
fatten him up, and I'll invite him home for dinner this fall....
(Not a joke, she says.)
I have a question about wings and aeronautics. I have been seeing several
kettles of Turkey Vultures in my driving in the area. They seem to be
able to soar for *long* periods without flapping. While in Boone a few
years ago, I would see glider aircraft taking people on tours, and their
wings were made like those of an Albatross.
The question; why have aircraft designers ignored the wings of hawks,
vultures, and eagles, and used the design of the Albatross? Seems to me
that the Albatross isdesigned for the oceanic realm, and the vultures and
kin are designed for riding thermals over land. Is there a reason they
have been ignored in the 100 pplus years of aircraft design?
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
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