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Weekend news, today seems to be a good migrant day

Finally started to see some shorebirds in the Wake County area.

NCSU farms- 10 Solitary SP, 2 Spotted, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs

Greenview Pond- 5 Greater Yellowlegs, 3 Lessers. 5 Solitary Sandpipers, 3 LITTLE
BLUE HERONS first spotted by John Argentati (breeding plumage with the purple
necks and plumes (the herons, not John))  John also pointed out 3 American
Wigeon, seem to be a little late in leaving.

While spring migrant hunting was disappointing slow over the weekend, a quick
check of Ritter Park on the way in to work this am indicates today might be a
very good day, at least in the triangle area.  Both tanagers, lots of warblers
and vireos.  More activity than I have seen all spring.  Get out if you get a

Nightjars are now just about in full force at the end of West Lake Road.  6+
chucks calling Friday night with 2 neat sightings.  First I was able to watch a
chuck calling from a horizontal branch about 30 feet away.  Even got to see the
white stripe under the chin!  A few minutes later I heard the "whump" sound that
usually precedes a flying chuck.  Sure enough two flew out and circled just
above my head for two circuits.  Pretty snazzy.  As noted last year, the arrival
of the chucks seems to trigger an exodus by the whips.  Only 1 bird heard and
seen.  Wonder if the chucks are dominant, or if the whips are just moving

For those that may remember my question regarding Canada goose eggs a few weeks
back, I can report that the chicks hatched Easter Sunday after a 31 day

Have a great week!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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