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CBC meeting and BRP closing

The Raleigh News and Observer carried a note about an 11-mile stretch of
the Blue Ridge Parkway closing, beginning May 1, for two years. The
bridge over US 421 (near Deep Gap) is being rebuilt to accomodate the
new 4 lanes of traffic for US 421. That means that one or both Cerulean
Warbler sites might be blocked from birders at the CBC meeting on May
5-7. This will certainly be an inconvenience, as one or more trips
planned to cover this portion of the BRP.

I assume we travellers from downstate coming to Boone and Blowing Rock
via US 421 will travel beneath the BRP and can go either to Boone and
then down US 221-321, or once they pass beneath the BRP, can cut down to
the BRP in a few miles, near the Rest Area.  (Yes, US 221, 321, and 421
converge in Boone -- very confusing).

Hope CBC-ers planning the field trips take this road construction into
consideration, as some trips may need to be revised, etc.

Harry LeGrand

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net