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Mason Farm

Hi all,
    Made a short stop at Mason Farm BR (Chapel Hill, NC) this morning
before work - not a great variety of species, but some newly arrived
regulars were vocal and conspicuous, notably Chats, Indigo Buntings, and
Summer Tanagers.  Also saw several Redstarts (one Yellowstart), and only
one Yellow-rumped - a sign that migration is really getting going,
hopefully.  Heard several singing Field Sparrows (and a few singing
White-throateds), and saw a Savannnah and a (late-departing??) Swamp

    This evening had a Summer Tanager in a Yellow (Tulip) Poplar outside
our house, a sign that the rapidly expanding sprawl of the disaster that
is Southpoint hasn't wiped out all the good birds yet...

Happy Birding,


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC