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Shorebirds and migrants

Well, yes, the shorebirds are migrants, but still...

John Argentati gave me a call yesterday and indicated a number of shorebirds had
arrived at Greenview Pond.  Sure enough, 30+ Least Sandpipers greeted me upon my
arrival.  Also present were several each of Lesser Yellowlegs, Greater
Yellowlegs and Solitary SP.  The 3 Little Blue Herons reported previously were
still present as of yesterday evening as were the American Wigeon.  A male
Orchard Oriole was my first-of-the-season.

This morning's walk through Ritter Park on the way in to work was fairly
productive and included...

Scarlet Tanager
Wood Thrush
Veery (2)
Black-throated Green Warbler
butterbutts (a bunch...)
Red and White-eyed Vireos
Yellow-throated Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush (heard)
Blk and White Warbler (heard)

...and the usual rag-tag fleet of regulars.

By my complex calculations (a note scribbled on a scrap of paper of last year's
sightings) Bobolinks should be arriving in the area any day.  If you note any at
the NCSU farms would you mind dropping me a line?  I'd like to get one there
this year as well!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC  (a.k.a butterbutt capitol of the east)
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