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Shorebirds, Grasshopper Sparrow

Figuring that the increase in shorebirds at Greenview Pond might have spilled
over to the NCSU dairy farm, I headed that way during lunch.
Good numbers of shorebirds including 3 Spotted Sandpipers, 3 Lesser Yellowlegs,
1 Greater Yellowlegs, 18 Solitary SP's and 14 Least SP's.  Also at the farm was
a very agreeable Grasshopper Sparrow that let me set up my scope and examine

Passing over Lake Wheeler on Penny Road I noted a decent sized tern in the air.
A brief stop revealed 7 Caspian Terns at the mouth of Swift Creek on the

Greenview Pond still has most of the birds reported earlier, however, the heat
mirages were too bad to get a decent count.

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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