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Sick Birds and Sightings

Good evening fellow birders,  I was just reading the news from western
North Carolina about the sick finches and siskins.  I had a House finch
at my feeder in northern Chatham county about a month ago that looked
like it had some seed or some residue sticking to his beak and thought
this was unusual.  Thank goodness, I have not noticed any sick or dying
     On the positive side, I got a new life bird this week, I was
visited by a red-breasted grosbeak this past Sunday, also located a
scarlet tanager and numerous yellow-rumped warblers in my neighborhood,
Chatham Subdivision this evening before returning to my daily grind at
UNC.  Graduate school leaves one with far too little time for birding. 
Why must migration and the end of the semester come at once?  Enjoy the
migration for me and I'll join the fun after May 8th.

     Good Birding, Melissa Conley-Spencer