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black thr. blue warbler, bat question

On the morning of 4/29, I went to Williamston's Moratoc Park to look for
migrants.  When I left my truck, I was greeted by a large flock of cedar
waxwings.  As I started down the road to the Roanoke River, I learned
something I might have guessed if I hadn't been indoors all week:  the
road was in the river.  I did hear a white-eyed vireo and see many of
the other expected birds on that short walk.  Just before reaching my
truck I saw an Orchard Oriole and a Northern Oriole.
	I drove to the schoolhouse in Williamston and down to a mowed area
leading back to the swamp by the river.  There I heard lots of N.
Parulas and finally a black-throated blue warbler.  Does anyone know a
good place to walk along the Roanoke River or nearby swamp when the
water is this high?  Access for those of us without a boat would be of
great interest to me.
	While I am asking questions, does the Little Brown Myotis roost alone
in some situations? I thought they were in colonies.  A brown bat
slightly over 3 inches long is roosting under the eaves of my house.  I
know nothing about bats, but it looked like the l. brown myotis in my
field guide.