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Commie Blue Grosbeaks, and a Palm Warbler

Hi folks. Here is another chapter in the continuing conspiracy of the
Communist Blue Grosbeak. Yes, they are there, and they are sneaky, you
just don't know.
Marilyn Westphal (sp?) told me how to get to a BG who was on territory at
the French Broad Baptist Church near Hoopers Lane. My wife Suzanne, who
is the best bird spotter in WNC, and her mother were with me. (Both non
We got to the church, looking all around the curve approaching the
church, and finally driving into the church parking lot. We stopped at
the entrance (I hope no one minded some crazy folks with binos) and
looked around. I heard a sweet song, which turned out to be a hidden
Goldfinch (never did see him), and had my attention drawn to a couple of
Myrtle (Yellow Rumped) Warblers. Driving on around, we saw a Meadowlark,
and, I think a Kingbird,  and sighted a Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk)
working the field. Driving on around, I saw a flash of bright blue, which
quickly disappeared in the brush (sneaky). I tried to track it, and
Suzanne saw another flash of blue. She grabbed the binos, and looking at
it she said "Is it dark blue with a red patch on the wings?" Well, I was
going wild about now, so she handed me the binos, a sickly pair which I
cannot focus, and I tried to see the bird. I saw two bright blue blurs.
(Oh, Oh, I got dooouble vision!) I yelled for the other binos, a pair of
Bushnells, which I can see through, and the bird had vanished (in good
Communist fashion). We searched in vain for another long time, and went
back to Asheville.
So, I saw a Blue Grosbeak, but could not identify him. (An old Communist
After sighting him, he disappeared before I could get a good look at him.
(Right out of the Communist Manifesto.)
He would not come back out so I could see him and identify him. (This is
how they operate.)
I think my wife may be a Fellow Traveller, as she is the only one who saw
him. (They work this way, working on your family.)
Maybe next week........

Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC
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