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coastal SC migrants

From the ACE Basin NWR parking lot (?) on Saturday AM, 4/29/00:

Parula (many)
Black Throated Blue Warbler- 2m
Black and White Warbler- 3
Yellow Rumped Warbler (a few still left)
Prarie Warbler- several
Cape May Warbler- my second in Chas. County this spring
Prothonotary Warbler- 5
Northern Waterthrush- 2
Louisiana Waterthrush
Hooded Warbler (many)
Kentucky Warbler 
C. Yellowthroat (many)
YB Chat 
Plus several warblers I could not ID (14 sp., not bad)

Wood Thrush- 2
Other Thrushs giving flight notes (Swainson's I think)
3 vireo sp.
Summer Tanager
Orchard Oriole
All resident flycatchers
Painted & Indigo Buntings
RT Hummingbird
Barred Owl- 2

I thought it was a pretty good list considering I only moved at the most 20
yards from my car as I waited for the refuge to open (which it never did by
the time I left ~9:00am).  I was at the location near Adams Run on the way
to Edisto Island.  Is the refuge ever open?  I've gone 3 times and have
always seen the gates closed.  Still I had a good day.

Mike Bernard