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College Acres, SC. New birder in the area.

Hi folks

I'm a expatriate MASSBIRDer (Massachusetts) new to the Aiken, SC area and 
new to this server. I look forward to several years of birding in this area, 
and chatting with fellow birders on this server.

My first birding stroll (4/30) and this morning have produced some nice 
species, though the numbers of migrants were unexpectedly low (not that I 
have anything to compare it to locally).

Highlights from College Acres:

3 Ruby-cr. Kinglets
2 Swainsons Thrush (one singing this AM)
1 Gray-cheeked (type) Thrush (great long looks from about 12 feet)
1 female Black and White Warbler
2 American Redstarts
2 Red-eyed Vireo
25+ Eastern Towhee (hard to hear the other birds over the singing and 
scratching of these birds)

And nice typical southern US birds to see for a New Englander:
1 Summer Tanager
1 Blue Grosbeak
4 White-eyed Vireos
1 Chat
and the standard fare for mixed pine/oak highlands

Respond to:
capito@hotmail.com  (anyone but Joe)


Paul Champlin
Aiken, SC (formerly of S.Deerfield, MA)

PS. My father too fought at Anzio etc. and would find Joe's instructions for 
us to "shut up" hypocritical. What was Joe fighting for? I thought it was 
the right to free speech. He'd make a good dictator.

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