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Re: a last word

I should remind folks that this subject is seriously off-topic for 
Carolinabirds.  Anyone wishing to continue this thread is directed to a more 
appropriate group, such as news:alt.politics.communism or news:alt.flame

Attempts at humor on the internet often go awry.  I'd advise Alex to drop 
his "commie Blue Grosbeaks" running joke, even though it's not completely 
off-topic.  I think most of us would thank you for that.

Shantanu's forwarding of a personal message to the group was certainly 
inappropriate and a breach of netiquette.  If you post messages on political 
topics, you should expect to receive flames.  The best response usually is 
to ignore them.  If you can't do that, then respond directly to the flamer.  
Posting private flames is about the worst thing you can do.  However, 
neophytes may not be aware of this.

In response to Tom:  Joe Fisher did nothing wrong in regards to 
Carolinabirds, since he sent a private message.

I only remove people from the group when (1)  they make a habit of violating 
the rules (this has happened once), (2) they post spam (Gustav W. Verderber 
is off the list), or (3) their e-mail seems not to be working (this has 
happened hundreds of times).

Please, no more political messages!

Thanks for your cooperation,

Will Cook

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina