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Not hearing warblers

The past couple of weeks have brought frequent postings from c-birders
reporting hearing migrating warblers: Parula, Black and White, Blackburnian,
B-T Green, B-T Blue, Worm-eating, to name a few. While still an active
birder and fascinated by the challenge that warblers present, I have lost my
ability to hear the songs of  many of the spring warblers whose voices are
pitched at high frequencies. Failing to be able to rely on theirsongs sets
the challenge of warbler identification at a difficult level. I post this to
ask if any of you have experienced the same or similar hearing loss, and if
so, whether you have found a hearing aid which is sensitive to sounds
between, say, 4,000 and 8,000 cycles, andwhich you have found effective in
amplifying the songs of what I think of as the “leaking air” warblers. I
will be grateful for whatever advice you would be willing to share; I’d hate
to think I heard my last Black-poll years ago.

Thank you.

John Register
Washington NC 27889