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Durham Spring Count (follow-up to Will)

    In reference to Will's noting the absence of usually easily found
species such as E. Phoebe and C. Wren, I also had similar results in my
area, which is the land surrounding the Hickory Hills Boat Ramp
(basically the southern shore of Falls Lake, East of I-85).  My father
and I recorded NO E. Phoebes, and it took us until the very end of our
day to find a C. Wren - which is very, very surprising.  I won't begin
to conjecture on the causes, leaving that for better-qualified souls,
but I was certainly amazed at just how scarce some usually common birds

    On a happier note, my next door neighbor has a Carolina Wren nesting
in the "woods" behind his house...there's a little life left in suburbia
yet, methinks.

Happy Birding,


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC