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Ritter/Hemlock migrants

A relatively good morning for migrants and summer residents (as compared to
yesterday which was a real stinker!)
Spotted today and in no particular order:

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Scarlet Tanager (3 males on the same branch!)
American Redstart (several, all males)
Common Yellowthroat (none seen until now, all over the place this a.m.)
Black and White Warbler (3+)
Red-eyed Vireo (6+, many at eye-level)
Northern Parula (several, a few at eye-level for a welcome change!)
BTB warbler (several, all males)
Wood Thrush
Baltimore Oriole (1 1st year male)
butterbutts (still quite abundant)

Some fledglings moving around and asking politely for food:

N. Cardinal
T. Titmouse
C. Wren
Downy Woodpecker

Heard, but succeeded in remaining unseen:

Acadian Flycatcher
E. Wood Pewee
Yellow-throated Warbler

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