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SC Migrants - 2 May


While working at Fort Jackson (Columbia, Richland County) this 
AM, I encountered a group of spring migrants. Most of these birds 
were feeding in Tulip Poplar trees and the whole group was moving 
along the edge of a bottomland hardwood area. Rarely do I find 
spring migrants in numbers like this. The numbers included were 
probably the tip of the iceberg. 

Highlights were;

  1  Black-billed Cuckoo 
11 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
42  Red-eyed Vireo
28  Gray Catbird
  2  Blue-winged Warbler
20  Northern Parula (mostly males)
  5 Yellow Warbler
26  Cape May Warbler
56  Black-throated Blue Warblers (about equal number males & 	
  8  Black-and-white Warbler
34  American Redstart
  7  Bay-breasted Warbler
10  Blackpoll Warbler
19  Northern Waterthrush
14 Scarlet Tanager (all males)
30  Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2:1, males to females & most of the 
	males were singing)
21 Baltimore Oriole (only a few adult males)

Good Birding,      lex

Lex Glover
Columbia, SC
(803) 419-9645