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bobolinks, grasshopper sparrows

Hi birders,

Bobolinks are still present in the Dairyland Rd. area.  I saw some in front
of Aniloran (?) Farm, and near Maple View Farm on Dairyland Rd., and also
on Arthur Minnus Rd between Rocky Ridge and Old 86.  Also, across the
street from the Aniloran farm house I saw one and heard at least a couple
grasshopper sparrows.  They are low and well camoflouged, but sit still.  A
scope helps.  Myriads of Meadowlarks are present too.

Off Teer Rd. behind Crane Creek I found a large active flock of
butter-butts which also hosted a Blackburnian warbler, several Northern
Parulas, and a noisy Yellow-throated Vireo.  Many Orchard Orioles today

This past week has been terrific for viewing bald eagles on the north
section of Jordan Lake.  Three different days I have seen two to three
eagles flying together, fairly low over the water and trees.  And if you
haven't yet greeted Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeaks, and Prairie Warblers,
take the hike beneath the power lines off of Old Valley Farm Rd., you will
practically trip over them.

happy birding,
franchesca perez
chapel hill, nc