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Bobolinks, and Pipits, and Warblers, OH MY! <G>

Great day at the local water features:

Cowans Ford W.R.

             Great Blue Heron
             Canada Goose
             Wood Duck (one female w/ 10 young in tow)
             Wild Turkey (two males)
             Northern Bobwhite
             Eastern Kingbird
             Brown-headed Nuthatch
             Carolina Wren
             Eastern Bluebird
             Wood Thrush
             Gray Catbird
             Prairie Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Chipping Sparrow
             Le Conte's Sparrow (5)
             Northern Cardinal
             Blue Grosbeak
             Indigo Bunting
             Bobolink (approx. 200, mixed male & female)
             Red-winged Blackbird (mixed male & female)
             Eastern Meadowlark
             Brown-headed Cowbird
             House Finch
             American Goldfinch

N. Coddle Creek Res. off Mooresville Hwy (NC 136)

             Canada Goose
             Spotted Sandpiper
             Mourning Dove
             Eastern Kingbird
             Tree Swallow
             Northern Rough-winged Swallow
             Cliff Swallow (8 - must be nesting under the hwy bridge)
             Eastern Bluebird
             American Robin
             Yellow Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Field Sparrow
             Song Sparrow
             Northern Cardinal
             Blue Grosbeak (12 - mixed male & female, males cresting like
             Red-winged Blackbird
             Common Grackle

Coddle Creek Res. off Macedonia Ch. Rd

             Great Blue Heron
             Northern Bobwhite
             American Coot
             Ring-billed Gull
             Chimney Swift (small numbers)
             Red-bellied Woodpecker
             Purple Martin
             Barn Swallow
             Gray Catbird
             Northern Mockingbird
             American Pipit
             Yellow Warbler
             Blackpoll Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Eastern Towhee
             Field Sparrow
             Eastern Meadowlark
             American Goldfinch

Tom "two legs at a time" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
pursuit of learning wherein
pupil is teacher
	~ after Arthur Koestler
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