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Re: More Durham warblers; web polls and field guide

I was at Wal-Mart in Clyde NC today, and heard the "sweet sweet, I'm so
sweet" of the Yellow Warbler, and the "witchy witchy" of the Common
Yellowthroat. I finally had enough, and got the binos. Spotted small
yellow birds in a wetland behind the store, and when I got the binos,
they were (of course) gone. Oh well....
Went to Lake Julian, where last week, I heard (yes heard!) a Common Loon,
but there were none today, but there were a mess of Ring Billed Gulls,
and a sweet pair of Bonaparte's Gulls! My second sighting in my life, and
this one I could confirm! (Last week, I saw some at Julian, but they were
so far out, all I could see was a black head.) They finally came to shore
and tried to feed with the Ring Bills, but they were horribly agressive
(the Ring Bills), so they paddled about near shore. One was molting off
to breeding plumage, and the other was still in winter clothes. A mated
pair perhaps...?
So nice to be able to bird when working. A Mockingbird was serenading,
though I am sure he was not serenading me. Did an excellent rendition of
the four note call of the Carolina Chickadee, then launched into
something he probably picked up in the tropics.
Yes, the Columbine, (A. canadensis) is found clear to the coast,
according to Radford, but more spottily as you go east.
Tomorrow I will be at the Wal-Marto on Hendersonville Road, where I
might, if work goes well, try to spot the Prarie Warbler who lives there.
Happy Birding!
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC
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