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Magnolia Warbler

Kind of a slow morning today.  I think that front that moved through yesterday
was not too conducive to much bird movement.  Nonetheless, a couple of
interesting birds at Ritter Park this a.m.

Magnolia Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Summer Tanager
Great Crested Flycatcher
Spotted Sandpiper (a bit of a surprise so deep in the woods!)

I've just starting keeping year lists and am competing with myself on what I
think may be a novel basis.  I realized that comparing year to year was a little
difficult because the number of birds on my life list changes (hopefully in an
upward trend!).  Instead, I try and beat the percentage of birds on my life list
that I saw each year.  For example on 12/31 the life list was 368 and the year
list was 315, so I saw 86% of the of the birds on my life list that year.  So
far this year I'm at 423 and 296, or 70%.  Anybody else do this?

On a final note, I think our hummingbirds have hatched.  I am starting to see
the female at the feeder much more frequently than before.  She has been scarce
for the past couple of weeks, but is hitting the feeder pretty frequently now.
(She always flies from the feeder in the same direction so I do not think these
are separate migrant hummers).

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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