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Myrtle Beach State Park

Carolina birders-
	A small group birded Myrtle Beach State Park on Wednesday, May 3 for a
few hours in the morning and then for another hour that same evening.  We
had 57 species of birds, including 10 species of warblers- here are some
of the highlights:

Little Blue Heron

Spotted Sandpiper

5 Least Terns

2 Yellow-billed Cuckoos

Common Nighthawk

Heard Chuck-will's- widow

White-eyed Vireo

6 Red-eyed Vireos

1 Brown-headed Nuthatch

4 Eastern Bluebirds


4 Northern Parulas

2 Yellow-rumped Warblers

5 Black-and-white Warblers

10 Black-throated Blue Warblers (both seen and heard)

Prairie Warbler

Swainson's Warbler

Northern Waterthrush


5 Common Yellowthroats

2 American Redstarts

3 Summer Tanagers

White-throated Sparrow

Ann M. Wilson- Myrtle Beach State Park Interpreter