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Blue-winged, Golden-winged in Greenville, SC

Sometimes it pays to stay at home.  After a rather ordinary hike yesterday
on the Blue Wall Passage, here are the birds I saw from my back deck this
morning, on the back side of Paris Mountain in Greenville, SC:  (1)
American Redstart;
(2) Black-throated Blue Warbler; (3) Magnolia Warbler; (4) Blue-winged
(5) Golden-winged Warbler; (6) Chestnut-sided Warbler; (7) Blackburnian
Warbler; (8) Yellow-rumped Warbler; (9) Blackpoll Warbler; (10) Swainson's
Thrush; and
(11) Red-eyed Vireo.

There was rain overnight, ceasing about dawn.  All the birds were seen
clearly except the Black-throated Blue, which I recognized by song.  All
the sightings took place within 15 minutes.  The Blue-winged Warbler and
the Golden-winged Warbler were new to our yard list, which now stands at

Jim Edwards