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Headboat birding on 5-6

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today I took the Capt. Bill III party fishing boat out of Murrells Inlet,
Georgetown county SC. A good day for early May.  Of interest was that there
was lots of sargassum at the edge of the continental shelf, about 50 miles
out at 120 feet of depth.  The first sargassum showed up at about 35 miles
out.  The captain said there was a dramatic almost instantaneous 5 degree
increase in sea temperature in the sargassum areas.  Evidently there were
eddies of the Gulf Stream closer than usual to shore.  
	Here goes:
Greater Shearwater-2 or 3 about 50 miles out
Audubon's Shearwater-1-almost 50 miles out 
Wilson's Storm-Petrel-6 about 50 miles out
N. Gannet-3 a couple within 5 miles of shore and one 50 miles out
Phalarope sp.-a group of 3 and then a group of 6 all in basic plumage-about
35 miles out
Pomarine Jaeger-1-light phase adult
Long-tailed Jaeger-1-light phase adult
Laughing Gull-1 adult in breeding plumage
Tern sp-An interesting tern which flew in from a line of sargassum about 50
miles out circled the boat and headed back to the sargassum.  As usual I
have trouble getting a firm handle on this bird which-was a very whitish
tern in the body and wings both upper and lower surface.  Distinct black
cap that was not shaggy. Long forked tail. Thin short dark bill, Overall
big looking. Bigger than a Foster's or Common.  Not a Royal or Caspian .
I'm inclined to believe that it might have been a Roseate based on very
white overall appearance especially on wings and lack of a distinct reddish
bill. Any thoughts?


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC