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Blackpolls and foxes

I showed up at Cane Creek right after birding with Steve Chsultz and Will
Cook on Dairyland, and was greeted by one singing Blackpoll and several
Yellow Warblers. They, along with several singng Orchard Orioles, were in
the tall trees behind the director's house at Cane Creek. The three fox
babies were in the culvert and regarded me suspiciously (very furry and
cuddly looking). The management has been seeing these but they apparently
did not den in the culvert; according to the workers there the mother has
been moving them around progressivley closer to the main office. 
	I ws both happy and sad to see the Blackpoll, for at least in the
mid-West they used to spell the end of the warbler migration. Is this also
true here, and does anyone know what the expected dates of Blackpoll
arrival in NC are?

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
