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Fwd: a baby red-shouldered hawk in need of Help

--- Kate Finlayson <katefin@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 17:05:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Kate Finlayson <katefin@yahoo.com>
> Subject: a baby red-shouldered hawk in need of Help
> To: "Johnston, Alan G." <agj@rti.org>, 
>     'Carolinabirds' <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
> To all who can help:
> My nieghbor who last year had the nesting barred
> owls,
> has red-shouldered hawks. This morning at 5:30 am,
> she
> noticed a big bird leave an oak limb and fly off
> dropping something that landed in a pile of leaves.
> It
> was a RS baby! She had it in a fake nest of leaves
> and
> she and her husband have been feeding it  pieces of
> raw chicken and it is eating.
> Questions:
> How do you know wwhen to stop feeding it?
> How big pieces?
> Could a barred owl(or GH) have snatched it from the
> nest? You can see another baby in the nest on the
> other side of her property in a pine.
> A tree guy, Mark Perry from chapel hill is coming
> tomorrow to help put it back in the nest. Is that
> the
> best way to do it? She is keeping it ina  big box
> inside tonite. Where should she keep it when she
> leaves for work in the AM? She was going to let it
> be
> outside in its"nest" on the ground.Her brothers
> would
> watch out after it. I did not think that was
> safe.Where would be the best place to keep it til
> the
> tree guy comes?
> It is about six, 7 inches long, but tall when it
> stands to defecate off the side of the "nest".White
> fuzzy head. with slight black barring on wings.
> It takes the chiken willingly.
> Thanks to all who can answer. Kate
> --- "Johnston, Alan G." <agj@rti.org> wrote:
> > On May 1 we reported that a family of
> Red-shouldered
> > Hawks has nested in our
> > back yard in Chapel Hill, and that four
> voraciously
> > hungry chicks were
> > hatched, beginning on April 26.  We are happy to
> > report that as of today,
> > the twelfth day since the first hatching, all four
> > chicks are doing just
> > fine.  Both parents seem to be working very hard,
> > bringing snakes, mice,
> > moles, baby squirrels, and many frogs, all of
> which
> > seem to be divided up
> > pretty evenly by the mother among all four chicks.
> > The chicks are starting
> > to tear at the meat themselves, but still rely on
> > the adults to tear most of
> > it up for them.  From the beginning the chicks
> have
> > been furry white,
> > actually a bit grayish, except for a small
> > triangular part at the back of
> > the head which is pure white.  Two or three days
> ago
> > we started seeing the
> > black tips of the primaries and secondaries
> showing
> > when they stretched
> > their wings.  Today we can even see the feathers
> > starting to grow on the
> > tail and back.  The yellow cere is very distinct. 
> > The chicks are starting
> > to stretch their wings more.  They balance
> > precariously on the edge of the
> > nest to deficate outside the nest.  And today we
> saw
> > one of the adults bring
> > some type of food and drop it in the center of the
> > nest, and then each of
> > the chicks stood on the edge of the nest looking
> in
> > to peck at the food.
> > They all seemed more comfortable standing on the
> > edge of the nest.  We have
> > read in a birding handbook that Red-shouldered
> Hawks
> > fledge at between 39
> > and 43 days.  But we have no idea how many young
> > usually make it to that
> > stage.  We will report weekly on their further
> > development.  
> > if you would like to meet the family, please give
> us
> > a call to arrange a
> > time (home: 919-929-8679; office: 919-541-7394).
> > 
> > Alan and Sally Johnston
> > Chapel Hill, North Carolina
> > agj@rti.org 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> =====
> Kate Finlayson
> N. Chatham Co.,N.C.
> katefin@yahoo.com
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Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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