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yard birding on 5/11

Hi y'all,
    Due to extenuating circumstances, my birding activities have been
extremely limited of late. I decided to get up early this a.m. and at least
see whose hanging around the neighborhood. 37 spp. from 5:45 'til 8:00:
Great Blue Heron - 1 (flyover)
Killdeer - 1 (flyover)
TV - 1
Rock Dove - 7
Mourning Dove - 4
Y-b Cuckoo - 2 (calling and chasing each other through the trees)
RTHU - 3 (2 fem., 1 male squabbling at 5:45 a.m.)
Red-bellied Wp. - 2 (1 making withdrawals from the acorn account he set up
last fall)
Downy Wp. - 3 (mom and 2 kids)
Pileated Wp. - 1
GCFL - 2 (one of whom suffered the wrath of a male cardinal for whatever
Chimney Swift - 3 (2nd year in a row we have co-op breeders)
Blue Jay - 2 (sneaking thru the trees)
C. Chickadee - 2
T. Titmouse - 1
W-b Nuthatch - 1
B-h Nuthatch - 3 (the young-uns are squeaking more properly now)
C. Wren - 2
B-g Gnatcatcher - 1 (juv. that likes to glean around the eaves of the house)
N. Mockingbird - 4 (3 fussing ad., 1 fussy young-un)
Brown Thrasher - 2
Gray Catbird - 2
Am. Robin - 4
Wood Thrush - 1 (heard)
Blackpoll W. - 1 (new yard bird)
Am. Redstart - 1 (male that stayed around all day singing)
Pine W. - 1
B-h Cowbird - 2 (m&f...ugh)
C. Grackle - too many (the *%#& cats can take all these they want. I'm sick
of 'em)
E. Starling - 1
Orchard Oriole - 2 (m&f)
N. Cardinal - 7 (3 ea. adults., 1 fussy kid)
House Finch - 9 (cpl of the juvs could use some Brylcream)
Am. Goldfinch - 1 (handsome male)
Blue Grosbeak - 1 (he made a wrong turn)
Ring-billed Gull - 1 (he's lost, too)
House Sparrow - 6 (1 imm. looks like it met the *%#& cats)
And 4  *%#& cats...


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
'"Oh frabjous day! Calloo, Callay!' he chortled in his joy." (Carroll)