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Mystery Bird IDed!

Hi there!

I have a definite ID on my mystery bird who's call I have been hearing in my 
mother's yard.  I went on a great birding trip on Saturday, and as we were 
walking through the woods, I heard the Wheep! Wheep! call that I have been 
trying to identify. I told this to Vernon and asked what it was, and he said 
that it was, indeed, a Great Crested Flycatcher. And not too long after that 
I got a good look at the bird, too. Thank you everyone who gave me 
suggestions as to what my mystery bird was!

Today I was at mom's for Mother's Day, and I heard a Great Crested Flycatcher 
out in the yard again. So I went outside just in time to see him (or her) 
disappear into the old Red-Bellied Woodpecker house in the pine tree. As I 
watched, a second bird joined the first, and soon both were in the process of 
carrying nesting material into the house.

I am really excited about this, because I believe this is the first time that 
house has been used by anything other than a squirrel.

Oh, and mom also has four lovely baby Titmouses (Titmice?) in the bluebird 
box in her garden. Should fledge early next week, judging by the size and 
amount of noise. :-)

Lisa G.