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Re: ;)

And I thought that some folks in NC drawled...  I tried pronouncing
these with a slightly slurred southern accent and it actually works
pretty well- well not the woodpile.  Perhaps they were using a voice
recognition system on their computer, and this is what the dictated
version turned out.  Or perhaps they actually did use the spell checker
and said "yes" to correct all!

Marsha Stephens
Computer & Network Support Services
FPG Child Development Center
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599

Gary Phillips wrote:
> Hello y'all,
>     Interesting birdlist from a recent Georgia Ornithological Society field
> trip. I'm passing on the rarer finds. Maybe I should start using spellcheck
> technology.
>     Uhhh, let's see....to make it relevant to "c-birds," an Eastern woodpile
> has been observed of late in our neighborhood.
> Cheers,
> GP
> >Rebelled Woodpecker
> >Piloted Woodpecker
> >Eastern woodpile
> >Arcadian Flycatcher
> >Whitened Vireo
> >Bullheaded Vireo
> >Redid Vireo
> >Bluegrass Gnat catcher
> >Northern Parole
> >Blackball Warbler
> >Formatting Warbler
> >Redesigned Blackbird
> Gary Phillips
> Conway, SC
>  Zone 8
> axis1@sccoast.net
> '"Oh frabjous day! Calloo, Callay!' he chortled in his joy." (Carroll)