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Offshore Trip

Most of my weekends are spent in the Gulf Stream aboard the Albatross II
out of Hatteras, NC.  I thought I would give a list of birds seen on
Saturday May 13.  We went as far as 35 miles offshore and well over 700
fathoms.  The majority of the bird life was beyond 200 fathoms.  Water
temps were from 75.9 to 77.6 and there was plenty of scattered sargassum!
The bottom Loran line would be from the 40150 to 40130.

Birds seen:

Audubon's Shearwater
Black-Capped Petrel
Herald Petrel (Excellent look, within 15 yards of the boat.  Definitely not
a Sooty Shearwater.)
Wilson's Storm Petrel
Leach's Storm Petrel
Band Rumped Storm Petrel
Black Tern
Common Tern
Northern Gannet
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
Royal Tern

Brian Van Druten
Frisco, NC