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Miss. Kites etc. in Columbia

The record heat yesterday didn't help with my totals for the Irmo side
of Lexington County in the North American Migration Count.  I spent the
middle of the day with the volunteers from Columbia Audubon at
the Riverbanks Zoo, where a variety of organizations set up nice displays 
in honor of the migration.  Many dedicated volunteers spent most of the 
day there, frying in full sun.

At Saluda Shoals Park, I again found a male Painted Bunting singing from
a power line and was able to walk right under it.  This was around 8am.
I returned before sunset, and got a quick close look at a Swainson's Warbler,
who was repeatedly making a chip note.  He cap appeared to be raised as
if alarmed or excited.  The cap also looked a bit reddish?  
I found a Swainson's in the same area a week ago, and I was able to 
watch it sing from about 15' away for 10 minutes.  And I never use tapes.  
It was a thrill.

Around 2:30pm, just north of the I-26/Highway 60 interchange, I had a
great look at 3 Mississippi Kites.  They were soaring and wheeling around
near the new hotel there and heading west, parallel to the freeway.  This
spot is in Richland County by about two blocks so should be in that count.

Today at 1pm it happened again, just south of the same interchange.  As
I entered the on-ramp heading from Irmo to Columbia, I viewed 6 Miss. Kites!
One crossed as low as 15' directly above my car.

I finally came across a Loggerhead Shrike today, too late for our spring
counts!  It was at BB&T bank at St. Andrews and Hwy. 60 in Irmo.  Other
annoying misses were Chipping Sparrow (at the feeders today) and
Blackpoll Warbler (in the yard Friday).

Every day birding is a new adventure!

PS A question:  What happened to the fireflies this year?  I haven't seen
any yet, which seems strange.

Jerry Griggs     j@sc.edu