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Re: Bluebird egg destruction

>Last week a friend found a single egg on
> the ground directly beneath the entrance
> hole to his bluebird house. Over the
> weekend, he found two more in the
> same place. He reports a small gash in
> each, but the eggs have not been
> actually eaten (here was yolk inside).

A house wren will do this. I've had a house wren puncture bluebird eggs
and throw the eggs out of another house wren's nest box. Also have seen
them tear up a chickadee nest that was in a nest box.

Any other bird that's nesting on a house wren's 3/4 acre is in danger of
having it's nest torn up. I don't know if they only go after birds in
nest boxes or if this extends to other nesters as well.

A nice little bird to watch and I love their song, but a real terror
