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From Grayson Co., VA
New River and surrounding area
Just North of Alleghany Co., NC

My wife and I decided to do things a little differently Saturday.  Normally
we stay in the general area of our home and bird our property, our neighbors
property and along the New River.  With the trees fully leafed out and a
forecast of hot weather, we decided to explore some of the upper elevations
(approximately 4000 feet) in the Comer's Rock area of Grayson Co.  Later
that afternoon, we returned back to our home area and picked up some of the
river species.  We had a great day birding.  Broke our record for number of
species by a considerable margin.  Total species count for the day was 88.
The full list follows, but the species of the day was a pair of Red
crossbills!.  I got a good look at a female but couldn't get the second in
my binocs.  Crossed mandibles were easily seen and both were doing their
"jeep" call note.  Also found a small colony of Bank swallows East of Elk
Creek area and confirmed at least one pair was nesting (found their burrow
in the stream bank).  This is my first sighting of Bank swallows in Grayson
Co.  Other highlights included a Swainson's thrush, Rose-breasted grosbeaks
and Canada, Black-throated green, Worm-eating, Kentucky and Chestnut-sided
warblers.  And finally, after a three year absense, we were able to locate a
single, lonely and forelorn male bobwhite calling.

Double-crested cormorant  1
Green heron  2
Canada goose  9
Wood duck  1
Mallard  1

Turkey vulture  9
Black vulture  4
Red-tailed hawk  1
American kestrel  1
E. wild turkey  3

Northern bobwhite 1
Killdeer  2
Spotted sandpiper  1
Rock dove  5
Mourning dove  12

Chimney swift  19
Ruby-throated hummingbird  4
Belted kingfisher  1
Red-bellied woodpecker  2
Norther flicker  2

Downy woodpecker  2
Hairy woodpecker 2
Pileated woodpecker  3
Eastern wood pewee  5
Acadian flycatcher  5

Willow flycatcher  3
Eastern Phoebe  20
Great crested flycatcher  5
Eastern kingbird  16
White-eyed vireo  1

Yellow-throated vireo  3
Blue-headed vireo  6
Red-eyed vireo  45
Warbling vireo  3
Blue jay 11

American crow  45
Tree swallow  4
Bank swallow  15
Northern rough-winged swallow  5
Barn swallow  39

Tufted titmouse  20
Carolina chickadee  31
White-breasted nuthatch  5
Red-breasted nuthatch  1
House wren  2

Carolina wren  8
Blue-gray gnatcatcher  6
Eastern bluebird  30
Wood thrush  11
Swainson's thrush  1

American robin  24
Gray catbird  9
Northern mockingbird  7
Brown thrasher  3
European starling  111

Cedar waxwing  22
Northern parula  11
Chestnut-sided warbler  11
Black and white warbler  4
Black-throated blue warbler  7

Black-throated green warbler 11
Yellow warbler  11
Kentucky warbler  3
Canada warbler  4
Hooded warbler  3

Worm-eating warbler  5
Ovenbird  25
Common yellowthroat  2
Scarlet tanager  6
Eastern towhee  39

Field sparrow  4
Chipping sparrow  9
Grasshopper sparrow  1
Song sparrow  21
Dark-eyed junco  11

Rose-breasted grosbeak  2
Northern cardinal  24
Indigo bunting  60
Easten meadowlark  14
Red-winged blackbird  43

Common grackle  19
Brown-headed cowbird  4
Orchard oriole  4
Baltimore oriole  22
House finch  6

American goldfinch  38
House sparrow  2
Red crossbill  2

James, if you are the compiler, let me know and I'll send you the remaining

Harrol & Velma